Education 🎓
Learning about the outdoors is vital for kids today in our ever-changing world. If today’s students can understand the importance of our green spaces, they will understand how to care for them in the future. Who better to help students embrace the joy of the outdoors than Mulligan, a rescue dog with a purpose to help save the planet one yard, park and school yard at a time?

Lesson Plans 📄
TurfMutt educational resources are free and aligned to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) standards for grades K-8.

Yard 101 🌱
Work in your yard, and it will work for you. It’s one of the credos of the TurfMutt Foundation. But what exactly do you need to do? Here are TurfMutt’s tips:

Infographics 📊
Use our infographics to learn about caring for the outdoors and how nature benefits our lives and share them on social media. Send us a big bark by tagging @TurfMutt on X or Facebook or @BeLikeTurfMutt on Instagram.

Research 🔬
A wealth of scientific research exists that proves getting outside into the green spaces around us is good for people, pets and the planet.

Videos 📹
Visit our YouTube site for videos showing TurfMutt Foundation activities and to get TurfMutt Tips for your yard or community green space.

Tips 💯
Bone up on these backyarding basics to earn your cape and become a backyard superhero just like TurfMutt. Join Team TurfMutt today!
Key Education Partnerships
TurfMutt is an official USGBC® Education Partner. The TurfMutt educational materials have been an education resource at the U.S. Department of Education’s Green Ribbon Schools, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Green Apple, the Center for Green Schools, the Outdoors Alliance for Kids, the National Energy Education Development (NEED) project, Climate Change Live, Petfinder and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Over the last fifteen years, The TurfMutt Foundation joined forces with several education partners including Weekly Reader, Discovery Education, and Scholastic to reach more than 70 million kids, teachers and families.