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Five Creative Ways for Communities to Grow Green Space

Mar 12, 2025

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For 15 years, the TurfMutt Foundation has advocated for the use and care of green space in our yards and communities for health and well-being. Recently, it's become more popular to take activities like connecting with friends and family, exercising and relaxing, and even working to the green space around us.

"The best community amenity out there is green space,” says Kris Kiser, President & CEO of the TurfMutt Foundation. “Prioritizing managed landscapes that are available to everyone helps foster connectedness, increases mental health, and supports the environment.”

According to the TurfMutt Foundation, here are some of the imaginative ways communities can enhance and grow their community green space:

  • Community Gardens
    Community gardens attract people of all ages. From individual garden plots to shared areas, they promote sustainable practices and healthy living. Some communities even integrate features like rainwater harvesting systems and composting stations to enhance the environmental benefits of these gardens.
  • Well-Landscaped Walking Paths
    Getting just 20 minutes of outside time each day can significantly reduce stress levels and improve well-being. Well-landscaped community walking paths that are shaded by trees, bordered by native shrubs, and feature seating areas surrounded by flowers, make it easy to get a boost of nature in the neighborhood.
  • Nature Playgrounds
    Neighborhood nature playgrounds engage children in an “outdoor learning lab” through the nature around them. Elements like tree logs, boulders, water features and plants help encourage outdoor play that has many physical, emotional and mental health benefits for children.
  • “Pawsome” Play Areas for Pups
    With 62 percent of Gen Zer’s saying they would prioritize raising a pet over starting a family, communities are catering to the trend with integrated dog parks that feature everything from splash pads and digging areas to agility courses and pet grooming stations. Some even host get-to-know-you events like “Yappy Hours” and offer food trucks to keep the humans happy, too.
  • Golf Courses as Wildlife Corridors
    Developments that incorporate golf courses into their neighborhoods can go beyond a place to perfect strokes and handicaps by offering a haven for biodiversity. Properly designed golf courses can reconnect fragmented ecosystems and provide shelter and food for local wildlife.

Since launching as an educational program to promote the benefits of the managed landscape fifteen years ago, TurfMutt has become a global education platform, reaching more than 70 million students, teachers, and families with its message that nature starts at their back door and educating future generations about the importance of the managed landscape.

For more on the TurfMutt Foundation, visit and check out the TurfMutt Foundation’s International Backyarding Fact Book to learn more about the importance of the green spaces around us. Sign up for Mutt Mail, a monthly e-newsletter with backyarding tips and all the news from the TurfMutt Foundation here. Look for Mulligan the TurfMutt on the CBS Lucky Dog television show on Saturday mornings.

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