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More Green Space Coming to LA County

Feb 28, 2025

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Los Angeles County is adding more than 650 acres of green space. The LA County Regional Park and Open Space District will distribute $17 million in grants to create or renovate parkland and natural spaces.

More than half of the money is being dispersed in areas that have been historically devoid of green space and parks.

“Whether it’s for hundreds of acres of open space or small neighborhood parks, investments by the Regional Park and Open Space District directly serve residents in every part of the County,” said Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Chair Kathryn Barger in a statement. “Acquiring this new parkland will help us create a greener, healthier, and more connected Los Angeles County. I’m proud to support this historic funding to bring this incredible resource to our communities, especially during a time of recovery and rebuilding when our residents need spaces for rejuvenation and restoration the most.”

Green spaces are healthier places, according to the TurfMutt Foundation. Living landscapes in public areas and our own backyards mitigate heat islands, produce oxygen, and reduce stormwater run-off. They also provide several health and well-being benefits, including improved mood, better heart health and boosted memory, just to name a few.

For a more comprehensive look at the many benefits of the green space in our backyards and communities, download TurfMutt’s International Backyarding Fact Book here.

Learn more about the TurfMutt Foundation here or sign up for Mutt Mail, a monthly e-newsletter with backyarding tips and all the news from the TurfMutt Foundation here. Look for Mulligan the TurfMutt on the CBS Lucky Dog television show on Saturday mornings.

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