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Can you find all the words related to backyarding?

May 11, 2023

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The TurfMutt Foundation has dubbed 2023 the year of the master backyarder as people are finding ways to elevate their backyarding practices. Backyarding has become part of our daily lives, but master backyarders have taken this idea of living life more outdoors to a whole new level. Their backyarding skills are elevated and inspirational.

Master backyarders live by three main principles:

  1. Plant & plan with purpose. Master backyarders know that if they work in the yard it will work for them, their family and the environment in a host of ways so they plan and plant with that purpose in mind.
  2. Take all aspects of life outside. For master backyarders, the yard is not just beautiful, itisan integral part of how they experience their everyday lives. Theyuse their yards...for everything. They are always learning and looking for the next opportunity to make their yard even more useful.
  3. Inspire others about backyarding. Master backyarders are backyarding advocates, and they share their knowledge with others, including their kids –the next generation of backyarders.

Test your backyarding know-how. Can you find the 16 backyarding-related words in the puzzle below?

For more information, sign up for Mutt Mail, a monthly e-newsletter with backyarding tips and all the news from the TurfMutt Foundation here. To learn more about creating the yard of your dreams, visit Look for Mulligan the TurfMutt on the CBS Lucky Dog television show. Here is a link to download the International Backyarding Fact Book, to learn why spending time in our yards and community parks is good for us…and the planet.

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Mutt Mulligan’s monthly e-newsletter is loaded with tips on outdoor living, enjoying green spaces and resources for teachers and families, as well as news from the TurfMutt Foundation.

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