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Mulligan the TurfMutt – the “spokesdog” for the TurfMutt Foundation, was adopted at the 2019 Mutt Madness pet adoption event. In honor of National Puppy Day (March 23), we are looking back on Mulligan’s (adorable) puppyhood.
Mulligan was abandoned with her siblings and rescued by the Kentucky Humane Society before she was adopted by Foundation president and CEO Kris Kiser.
Mulligan spent her first year learning the ropes as a backyard superhero. Time in the office, industry meetings, media appearances and video shoots were all part of her first year.
Of course she loved her new backyard right away. (What dog doesn’t?) She also learned to share it with local wildlife, insects and pollinators.
Watch this video to learn more about Mulligan the TurfMutt’s adoption story.
If you’re looking to add a new pup to your pack on National Puppy Day or anytime, the TurfMutt Foundation encourages you to adopt an animal from your local shelter or rescue organization.
For more on the TurfMutt Foundation, visit and check out the TurfMutt Foundation’s International Backyarding Fact Book to learn more about the importance of the green spaces around us.
Sign up for Mutt Mail, a monthly e-newsletter with backyarding tips and all the news from the TurfMutt Foundation here. Look for Mulligan the TurfMutt on the CBS Lucky Dog television show on Saturday mornings.
Mutt Mulligan’s monthly e-newsletter is loaded with tips on outdoor living, enjoying green spaces and resources for teachers and families, as well as news from the TurfMutt Foundation.