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At the 2024 Mulligan’s Mutt Madness event, held at Equip Exposition in Louisville, 12 pups found their forever homes. One of these lucky dogs is Ginger, an adorable beagle mix with beautiful markings. Ginger’s human Joselin says the pooch loves her new home in New Jersey.
The 2024 adoption event was the sixth annual Mutt Madness, which is held in collaboration with the TurfMutt Foundation’s longstanding partner the Kentucky Humane Society. In total, more than 70 dogs have been matched with their humans at Mutt Madness over the years. See the TurfMutt Howl of Fame at the bottom of this page.
During Equip Exposition, the TurfMutt Foundation also hosted Mulligan’s 5K Fun Run and Walk sponsored by Active Dynamics and officially rededicated the Great Lawn in Louisville’s award-winning Waterfront Park on the Ohio River. This signature space was renamed The TurfMutt Foundation Great Lawn as part of the Foundation’s sponsorship.
The Great Lawn’s namesake and the spokesdog of the Foundation, Mulligan the TurfMutt, is a real-life rescue dog that was adopted by Foundation president and CEO Kris Kiser at Mutt Madness 2019. Read all about Mulligan the TurfMutt here.
Look for Mulligan the TurfMutt on the CBS Lucky Dog television show on Saturday mornings.
Learn more about the TurfMutt Foundation here or sign up for Mutt Mail, a monthly e-newsletter with backyarding tips and all the news from the TurfMutt Foundation here. To learn more about the many benefits of the green space in our backyards and communities, download TurfMutt’s International Backyarding Fact Book here.
Mutt Mulligan’s monthly e-newsletter is loaded with tips on outdoor living, enjoying green spaces and resources for teachers and families, as well as news from the TurfMutt Foundation.